Bailarina plus size: um exemplo de autoaceitação e sucesso

Obrigada ao corpo que é meu

Whitney Thore, uma jovem bailarina americana de 32 anos, não é como as bailarinas tradicionais que nos fazem sonhar com a perfeição física. Ela é plus size, mas isso não impede que ela sinta-se bem e dançar com garra. Whitney é uma mulher que conquistou fama na web por sua dança incrível e sua autoaceitação incondicional.

Da magrinha à obesa

Before becoming a plus size dancer, Whitney was thin and never thought twice about her body. However, at the age of 22, she was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), which caused her to gain 90 pounds in a matter of months. She lost her confidence and felt like she was no longer herself.

A busca pela autoaceitação

Whitney struggled with depression and low self-esteem due to her weight gain. She stopped going out and even stopped dancing, a passion she once loved. However, with the help of therapy, she began to accept her new body and focus on self-love. She realized that she didn’t need to fit into society’s beauty standards to be happy.

O poder da dança

Whitney discovered that dance was not only a form of self-expression but also a way to overcome her insecurities. She started taking dance classes again and realized that she didn’t need to be a certain size to be good at it. She felt empowered and began to share her journey with the world through social media.

O impacto na web

Her videos quickly went viral on the internet, showcasing her incredible dance skills and confidence. People were amazed by her ability to move her body with grace and fluidity, despite being plus size. Her message of self-acceptance and self-love resonated with many, and she became an inspiration to women and men of all sizes.

Lição aprendida

Whitney’s story teaches us that our bodies are unique and that we should love them just the way they are. She proves that beauty comes in many forms and that we don’t need to fit into society’s standards to be beautiful. Her message of self-acceptance and empowerment is one that we can all learn from.


Batalha pela autoaceitação


Ideal de beleza


Plus size





O que você achou deste conteúdo?


Camillo Dantas é um redator apaixonado e criativo, formado em Publicidade e Propaganda pela Mackenzie. Especialista em produzir conteúdos envolventes e impactantes, ele une sua experiência acadêmica e prática a uma incessante busca por conhecimento, viajando e estudando para criar textos únicos, inspiradores e precisos.